What is a Yachtmaster Certificate?
The RYA Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore certificates are prestigious qualifications from the RYA, recognized worldwide, signifying a high level of competency in skippering yachts. It is a benchmark for professional skippers and enthusiasts aiming for excellence in sailing.
- An RYA Yachtmaster Coastal has the knowledge needed to skipper a yacht on coastal cruises but does not necessarily have the experience needed to undertake longer passages. A commercially endorsed RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competence will enable you to skipper vessels up to 24 metres in length, operating in category 3 to 6 waters – up to 20 miles from a safe haven.
- An RYA Yachtmaster Offshore is Competent to skipper a cruising yacht on any passage during which the yacht is no more than 150 miles from harbour. A commercially endorsed RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence will enable you to work as a Master of commercial vessels of up to 200gt in category 1 to 6 waters – up to 150 miles from a safe haven.
What are the requirements for an RYA Yachtmaster?
To qualify for the RYA Yachtmaster certificate, candidates must meet specific prerequisites, including sea time, navigational knowledge, and practical skills.
RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Exam Prerequisites:
Sea Time Requirements;
- 30 days at sea on a vessel less than 24m LOA, which may be reduced to 12 days at sea on vessels less than 24m LOA if an RYA Coastal Skipper Practical course completion certificate or an RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competence is held.
- 800 miles, which may be reduced to 400 miles on vessels less than 24m LOA if an RYA Coastal Skipper Practical course completion certificate or an RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competence is held.
- Two days as skipper on a vessel less than 24m LOA
- 12 night hours.
- A GMDSS-compliant Marine Radio Operator’s Certificate such as the RYA Short Range Certificate or higher.
- An RYA First Aid Certificate or another valid First Aid Certificate, as detailed on the RYA website.
- RYA Coastal Skipper Practical course completion certificate (either Sail or Power, as appropriate) if claiming reduced sea time detailed above.
Minimum Age: 17 at the time of the exam.
Minimum Exam Duration: 6-10 hours for one candidate. 8-14 hours for two candidates.
RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Exam Prerequisites:
Sea Time Requirements;
- 50 days at sea on yachts up to 500gt which may be reduced to 25 days if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence
- 2,500 miles on yachts up to 500gt, which may be reduced to 1,250 miles if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence.
- Five days as skipper on vessels less than 24m LOA, which may be reduced to three days if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence
- Five passages Over 60 miles long, which must include two overnight passages and two as skipper, which may be reduced to three passages including one overnight and one as skipper if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence.
- A GMDSS-compliant Marine Radio Operator’s Certificate such as the RYA Short Range Certificate or higher.
- An RYA First Aid Certificate or another valid First Aid Certificate, as detailed on the RYA website.
Minimum Age: 18 at the time of the exam.
Minimum Exam Duration: 8-12 hours for one candidate. 10-18 hours for two candidates. No more than two candidates can be examined in 24 hours and no more than four candidates can be examined in one two-day session.
Sea time
- At least 50% of your sea time must be in tidal waters.
- Sea time must be documented.
- Sea time must be completed on a seagoing sailing or motor yacht (as appropriate).
- Sea time must have been completed within the last 10 years
How Long Does It Take to Become a Yachtmaster?
The time to become an RYA Yachtmaster varies, depending on prior experience and the specific path chosen.
Typically, it can take several months to a few years. Our 18 week Yachtmaster Fast-track program offers a streamlined option which takes you from limited or zero sailing experience all the way up to a fully qualified RYA/MCA Yachtmaster, with all the required practical, theory courses, mile-building and sailing experience you’ll need to help get you qualified.
What are the RYA Yachtmaster minimum mileage requirements?
Candidates must accumulate a specific number of sea miles as part of their experience.
RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Sea Time Requirements:
- 30 days at sea on a vessel less than 24m LOA, which may be reduced to 12 days at sea on vessels less than 24m LOA if an RYA Coastal Skipper Practical course completion certificate or an RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competence is held.
- 800 miles, which may be reduced to 400 miles on vessels less than 24m LOA if an RYA Coastal Skipper Practical course completion certificate or an RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competence is held.
- Two days as skipper on a vessel less than 24m LOA
- 12 night hours.
RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sea Time Requirements:
- 50 days at sea on yachts up to 500gt which may be reduced to 25 days if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence
- 2,500 miles on yachts up to 500gt, which may be reduced to 1,250 miles if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence.
- Five days as skipper on vessels less than 24m LOA, which may be reduced to three days if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence
- Five passages Over 60 miles long, which must include two overnight passages and two as skipper, which may be reduced to three passages including one overnight and one as skipper if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence.
How do i appear on the Below Deck TV Show? Do i need to be a Yachtmaster?
The life of a yachtie as depicted on Below Deck is very different from what a yacht crew experiences in real life.
The Below Deck series is all about drama, whether it is partying too hard or catching feelings too quickly. The yachties onboard know how to keep things interesting, so although the show offers a glimpse into the yachting industry is not representative of the Yachtmaster certification process.
What is the RYA Yachtmaster Commercial Endorsement?
There are two types of commercial endorsement. The standard commercial endorsement allows you work on board British flagged vessels subject to the MCA’s codes of practice for small commercial vessels. The STCW endorsement is for holders of the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore and Ocean Certificates of Competence working under non-UK maritime authorities.
The following wording would appear on your certificate:
This certificate is valid for use as a Master of yachts of up to 200gt on commercially and privately registered yachts until (date of expiry).
OR for STCW endorsement:
The certificate holder has completed training under the STCW code A- VI/1 Para 2.1. This certificate is valid for use as Master of yachts of up to 200gt on commercially and privately registered yachts until:(date of expiry).
To apply for a commercial endorsement send the following items to the RYA certification centre.
- The original certificate requiring the commercial endorsement.
- A commercial endorsement application form.
- A copy of your RYA Basic Sea Survival Certificate or Personal Survival Techniques STCW 78
- ML5 Medical Report Form and Certificate (original required, not a photocopy) or ENG1 Medical (photocopies accepted) – see note 4 overleaf.
- Professional Practices and Responsibilities Certificate – see note 5 overleaf.
- RYA Marine Radio Short Range Certificate or another acceptable GMDSS marine radio operator’s certificate.
- A passport sized photo with your name written on the reverse.
- The commercial endorsement fee.
- If you require a STCW endorsement – see note 3 overleaf: A copy of your Personal Survival Techniques STCW 78 (STCW A-V1/1-1), Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (STCW A-V1/1-4), Elementary First Aid (STCW A-V1/1-3) and Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention (A-V1/1-2).
What is the difference between RYA Yachtmaster Coastal vs Offshore?
- A Yachtmaster Coastal has the knowledge needed to skipper a yacht on coastal cruises but does not necessarily have the experience needed to undertake longer passages. A commercially endorsed Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competence will enable you to skipper vessels up to 24 metres in length, operating in category 3 to 6 waters – up to 20 miles from a safe haven.
- A Yachtmaster Offshore is Competent to skipper a cruising yacht on any passage during which the yacht is no more than 150 miles from harbour. A commercially endorsed Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence will enable you to work as a Master of commercial vessels of up to 200gt in category 1 to 6 waters – up to 150 miles from a safe haven.
How much is the RYA Yachtmaster course price?
The cost of Yachtmaster courses varies based on the course type and duration.
For up-to-date pricing and options, please check-out the following pages:
For both the above options, the RYA Yachtmaster exam is paid for separately by the student, by downloading & completing this form
What are the RYA Yachtmaster Exam Questions?
The Yachtmaster exam includes a mix of practical assessments and theoretical questions covering navigation, safety, and seamanship.
Candidates will be given the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and competence in many of the areas listed in the syllabus. In each section the Examiner will expect to see the candidates take full responsibility for the management of the yacht and crew.
- In RYA Yachtmaster Coastal exams the candidate will be expected to demonstrate understanding but may not have had the opportunity to practise all aspects of the syllabus under a range of different weather conditions.
- In RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exams the candidate will be expected to demonstrate competence based on broad experience.
What sort of jobs are available for RYA Yachtmasters?
Holders of the Yachtmaster certificate can pursue various career paths in the yachting industry, including charter, instruction, and delivery skippering.
We hire RYA Yachtmaster qualified sailors with the Commercial Endorsement to run our Mile Building Weekends, and events where an instructor is not needed.
We’d heavily recommend that to improve and increase your employment prospects, that undertaking the RYA Cruising Instructor course is a sound move worth taking – After which, we will guarantee you work.
What is the RYA Yachtmaster certificate?
The RYA Yachtmaster certificate is often considered as a license to skipper yachts. It is highly regarded in the yachting community and essential for professional maritime careers.
What is the RYA Yachtmaster Shorebased Course about?
RYA Yachtmaster theory is one of the elements of structured shorebased learning that is recommended for Yachtmaster candidates. Whilst this course is not a prerequisite for the practical Yachtmaster exam, candidates must be able to demonstrate knowledge to this standard during their exam.
The course usually takes 6 days to complete, and large parts of it will be familiar to those who have completed RYA Day Skipper theory. However, the need for a deeper understanding of existing knowledge and a more accurate level of calculation and chartwork make the RYA Yachtmaster Theory Course both challenging and rewarding.
Candidates are expected to already have knowledge to the level of RYA Day Skipper theory to build upon and look in more detail at pilotage techniques and passage planning, and start to incorporate theoretical and practical skills to hone navigation skills.
Upon completion, candidates will have the theoretical skills necessary to navigate a yacht safely in coastal waters and further afield.
If you intend to take the RYA Coastal Skipper Course or apply to be examined for the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal or RYA Yachtmaster Offshore, a clear working knowledge and understanding of all elements of the RYA Yachtmaster Theory Course is expected.
What is on the RYA Yachtmaster syllabus?
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea:
Questions will be confined to the International Regulations and, although candidates must be aware of the existence of local regulations, they will not be expected to memorise specific local ones.
- General rules (1-3)
- Steering and sailing rules (4-19)
- Lights and shapes (20-31)
- Sound and light signals (32-37)
- Signals for vessels fishing in close proximity (Annex Il)
- Distress signals (Annex IV)
Candidates will be expected to know what safety equipment should be carried on board a sailing yacht or motor vessel, based either on the recommendations in the RYA Boat Safety Handbook (G103), the World Sailing Special Regulations or the Codes of Practice for the Safety of Small Commercial Vessels. In particular, candidates must know the responsibilities of a skipper in relation to:
- Safety briefings
- Safety harnesses
- Life jackets
- Distress signalling (flares and electronic means)
- Vessel stability
- Fire prevention and fighting
- Life rafts
- Knowledge of rescue procedures
- Helicopter rescue
Boat Handling:
Candidates for RYA Yachtmaster Coastal examinations will be expected to answer questions or demonstrate ability in less-complex situations only.
Candidates for RYA Yachtmaster Offshore will be expected to answer questions or demonstrate ability in more complex situations and will also be expected to show a higher level of expertise;
- Coming to and weighing anchor under power or sail in various conditions of wind and tide.
- In all berthing and unberthing situations in various conditions of wind and tide.
- In recovery of a man overboard and being able to describe the effects of cold-water shock and the aftercare requirements of a casualty who has been in the water.
- When towing under open-sea conditions and in confined areas.
- In boat handling in confined areas under sail.
- In boat handling in heavy weather.
- When using helmsmanship and sail trim to sail to best advantage.
- Using warps for securing in an alongside berth and for shifting berth or winding.
General Seamanship, Including Maintenance:
- Properties, use and care of synthetic-fibre ropes
- Knots (8 competent crew knots minimum)
- General deck work at sea and in harbour
- Engine operations, routine checks and troubleshooting
- Improvisation of jury rigs following gear failure
Responsibilities of the Skipper:
- Can skipper a yacht and manage the crew.
- Communication with crew
- Delegation of responsibility and watchkeeping organisation
- Preparing the yacht for sea and for adverse weather
- Tactics for heavy weather and restricted visibility
- Emergency and distress situations
- Victualling for a cruise and feeding at sea
- Customs procedures
- Standards of behaviour and courtesy
- Charts, navigational publications and sources of navigational information
- Chartwork, including position fixing and course to steer
- Tidal height and stream calculations
- Buoyage and visual aids to navigation
- Instruments eg. compasses, logs, echo sounders, radio navigation aids, and chart plotters.
- Passage planning and navigational tactics
- Pilotage techniques
- Navigational records
- The limits of navigational accuracy and margins of safety
- Lee shore dangers
- Use of electronic navigation aids for passage planning and navigation
- Use of waypoints and electronic routeing
- General understanding of AlS
- Navigational techniques for reduced visibility (e.g RADAR)
- Definition of terms
- Sources of weather forecasts
- Weather systems and local weather effects
- Interpretation of weather forecasts, barometric trends, and visible phenomena
- Ability to make passage-planning decisions based on forecast information
- Candidates for RYA Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore must hold the SRC Certificate of Competence in radiotelephony or a higher grade of certificate in radiotelephony
Start Your Yachtmaster Journey with Commodore Yachting
Embark on your professional sailing career with our Yachtmaster courses. With expert guidance and comprehensive training, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve your maritime aspirations. Visit our RYA Yachtmaster Fast-Track and RYA Yachtmaster Preparation Week course pages for more information.